PLEASE NOTE: My TOU does NOT allow for commercial educational situations such as Outschool, unless the packets are linked for each parent to purchase as course materials separately. This includes free items included within commercial products, as both examples break the TOU of the clip art contracts used in the resources.
PDF Printing Trouble? Read This!
PROBLEM: I purchased some PDF resources and can’t get my PDF pages to print properly.
SOLUTIONS: Check that you have tried the following things:
- You have opened the document using Adobe Reader (not Preview).
- You have updated your version of Adobe Reader. An outdated version will often show black boxes behind clip art and other irregularities. Latest Adobe updates are free here: Click for LATEST ADOBE UPDATE
- You have chosen “adjust to fit” in your printer settings.
- You have chosen “advanced” and “print as image”.
- Restart your computer and try again.
There’s more help on THIS PAGE by the lovely Erica Bohrer if you’re still trouble shooting – she has added pictures to help you problem solve!
If the above information doesn’t solve the problem, please contact TPT tech help by emailing your details to:
If you have a question unrelated to tech issues, such as a typo or suggestion, please send me question in the “Ask A Question” tab on the TPT page for that resource. You can also email me directly at
By purchasing Whimsy Workshop Teaching graphics, you are entitled to use the images for personal and commercial use. In doing so, you agree to the following terms of use:
- All artwork created by Whimsy Workshop Teaching, Inc. is protected under the international copyright law and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). When you purchase these graphics you are purchasing a single-user, non-transferable Standard License. You are not being given rights of ownership and all rights are reserved.
- All digital graphics (illustrations/artwork) are covered by this license.
- Illustrations and materials MAY NOT be resold, copied, shared (share folders/share drives), recolored, altered, or claimed as your own. You may not create graphics that are derivitive of original work.
- Graphics cannot be shared, copied, resold, traded, distributed, or gifted. A single user standard licensed is issued to the individual purchaser only.
- Please note that by downloading these illustrations, you agree to the Terms of Use as outlined here.
*Add a clickable logo to your resource linked to my TPT store. Documents must be secured and flattened to ensure that they cannot be extracted or copied. This requires saving each page as jpeg or png file and re-inserting into the document. Apply a password protected layer of security.
*Please ensure that you are able to open and use the file types before purchasing as they are clearly stated in the description.
*Whimsy Workshop Teaching retains the copyright to all graphics, so you may not claim them as your own, alter or resell. It is not permitted to use the images to sell on sites that have a Creative Commons license.
PERMITTED: Educational items, lesson plans, worksheets, centers, flash cards, certificates, writing paper, color by number or code, TPT banners and marketing, educational posters, BOOM Learning (which is a secured environment for clip art), use in promotional posts for social media with credit given on the image, .
NOT PERMITTED: Coloring pages with no educational content, digitalized embroidery, using it to create your own clip art, selling as your own, posting for sale or sharing on group Facebook pages or websites, using as unsecured images without an extended license and layering – such as in Google Slides, SeeSaw, One Drive, etc. (except graphics specifically designed for this as stated on the cover), on-demand printing (such as t-shirts, stationary, posters, planners, etc.) online apps of any kind, stand-alone images within blog posts or in commercial logos.
You can always use my clip art for personal use with your own class. However, if you are selling your creation, please note the following guidelines:
•Educational content must be added: Educational content means you have added content in some way to the artwork so it is not sold as “stand alone” (example: worksheets, flash cards, games, puzzles, brag tags, signs, lesson plans, certificates, color by numbers, etc.) Some examples of things that are not allowed are: coloring pages, décor, print-on-demand onto cups or t-shirts, stickers, buttons, digitized embroidery, or selling on sites that have a Creative Commons license.
•Pages must be flattened or secured : If you are going to sell the resources you make using my images, then you will need to secure or flatten the images. This means the page is flattened like an image – none of the images can be selected or lifted out of the document after it has been sold. Securing clip art is required for printables, centers, posters or flattened backgrounds in google slides.
•No manipulation or sharing of images: Sharing, trading, redistributing, reselling or altering images (by removing or adding details), posting online, or using to make new art is not allowed.