When I taught Kindergarten, we always took time to do our daily math board as part of our Calendar routine. This was a way to practice so many essential math skills every day. We covered how a calendar worked, place value, basic addition and a lot of work with a 100’s board.
The idea of a daily routine is the same, but the work is more advanced and is done on a dedicated white board. We reviewed 9 concepts daily, and changed them slightly as the year went on.
By the end of the year, all concepts were still fresh and more deeply understood. The daily exposure makes all the difference! Incorporating our Daily Math Board had a significant impact on my students’ overall math sense and skills.
I would highly recommend trying this with your class, even if you only have 10 or 15 minutes each day. Simply adapt your Daily Math Board to the outcomes for your grade level, and squeeze in 10 minutes a day to practice. I use a white board as pictured above, but any space will do.