STEM Challenges Full Year Bundle
This huge set is unique in that it combines 16 complete sets of both STEM and Growth Mindset lessons, explored together with Fairy Tales. When coordinating STEM building challenges for grades 1-5, I prefer to integrate growth mindset components to ensure students understand that STEM challenges are about refining and improving ideas, rather than achieving success on the first try! This bundle of 8 fairy tale challenges begin with a fairy tale partner play that sets up the STEM challenge for students; this gives them an authentic reason and context for solving an engineering challenge. Each challenge is accompanied by a workbook that prompts them to share ideas, brainstorm together, and write about the physical and mental challenges of achieving their solutions. The bundle includes lots of photos and examples of finished projects and workbook pages.
Learn More!STEM Seasonal Bundle
Kids love STEM, and these seasonal STEM activities integrate literacy through simple partner plays! Each challenge features a fun project, making it easy to explore STEM throughout the year in your integrated literacy program for kindergarten and first grade. This full year BUNDLE features 30 partner plays and 5 seasonal themes, including Easter, Spring and more!
Learn More!Fairy Tales STEM Literacy Bundle
Combine STEM Challenges with Growth Mindset and Fairy Tales and you’ve got the perfect set up for brainstorming, team building, collaboration and problem-solving. This bundle of STEM & Growth Mindset resources utilizes complete sets of activities for 3 Fairy Tales to create the context and an authentic reason for solving an engineering challenge. When STEM challenges are combined with Growth Mindset components, students learn and understand that the challenges are about taking chances, thinking outside the box, refining and improving ideas and persevering rather than achieving success on the first try.
Learn more!STEM Bundle 1: Fairy Tales STEM Activities
Combine STEM Challenges with Growth Mindset and Fairy Tales and you’ve got the perfect set up for brainstorming, team building, collaboration and problem-solving. This bundle of 8 STEM & Growth Mindset resources utilizes 8 Fairy Tales to create the context and an authentic reason for solving an engineering challenge. When STEM challenges are combined with Growth Mindset components, students learn and understand that the challenges are about taking chances, thinking outside the box, refining and improving ideas and persevering rather than achieving success on the first try.
Learn More!STEM Bundle 2: 8 Fairy Tale Partner Plays
This bundle of 8 fairy tale challenges begin with a fairy tale partner play that sets up the STEM challenge for students; this gives them an authentic reason and context for solving an engineering challenge. Each challenge is accompanied by a flip book that prompts them to share ideas. The bundle includes lots of photos and examples of finished projects and workbook pages.
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