As a primary teacher, it’s so sad for me to hear that art programs across the country are being eliminated, art budgets being cut, and that teachers just don’t have time for art lessons because of increased pressure to get through other curriculum.
I’ve experienced the same things in my own district, and so I am trying to think of art in a different way to come up with some solutions.
Materials Are Too Expensive and Hard to Find.
This is true for some art programs, but actually as classroom teachers we can create amazing art with kids without needing a lot of expensive supplies. Pastels, paint, scissors, glue, chalk, paper and a few other easy-to-find supplies is all we need. And you won’t need expensive art equipment either; you can improvise!
For example: What do you do with a class full of wet paintings at the end of the day, and no drying rack? We use our stacked chairs as a drying rack!