Our class spends a LOT of time learning social skills, problem solving, friendship and conflict resolution. This helps to create a peaceful environment where learning can thrive, and we do not have to spend the majority of our time solving interpersonal conflicts. We use interactive lessons from The Kindness Classroom SEL curriculum, along with many of the books listed below to reinforce concepts.
Click on any cover to see details of the story.
Llama Llama Time To Share by Anna Dewdney
Franklin Plays the Game by Paulette Bourgeois
The Selfish Crocodile by Faustin Charles and Michael Terry
Rainbow Fish
Share and Take Turns (very helpful for students who need more explicit and direct teaching of social skills and how to handle big emotions)
Wilma Jean the Worry Machine by Julia Cook
Little Monkey Calms Down by Michael Dahl
How To Be A Friend – A Book About Friendship
How To Lost All Your Friends
Cool Down and Work Through Anger (very helpful for students who need more explicit and direct teaching of social skills and how to handle big emotions)
You can see the Kindness Classroom Full Year Curriculum below!
This full year curriculum contains hundreds of hands-on and interactive class lessons for topics such as respect, anger management, self-regulation, making positive choices, conflict resolution and growth mindset. It also includes a complete set of books about social stories – these can be printed in color or simply projected to read as ebooks. The resources include games, journal writing, art activities and more. To save with planning, there are teacher scripts to read aloud to the class so you can be sure to guide the conversation through key topics!
Click to view the extensive preview with free resources inside!
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