Did you know that 2024 is a LEAP YEAR?
That’s right. February has 29 days this year!

Teaching About Leap Year
Since a leap year only comes around every four years, it can be tricky to find quick and engaging writing activities to use. As usual, I made some for myself! I’m happy to share them with you, along with some tips for using them.
The main topic of your discussion about leap years is how the calendar is affected. Depending on the age of your students, you can explain how this is tied to the earth’s rotation around the sun. A brief explanation of this is included in the printable page below, along with a few comprehension questions.This pack also includes open ended writing, and a fill-in-the-blank calendar up to February 29th.

Class Discussion
Most students are so surprised to hear there’s an extra day added to the February. This leads to really fun discussions! For example, try asking students these question:
- What happens if your birthday is on February 29th? This comes as a shock to students when they realize that someone with this birthday may only get to celebrate every four years!
- If you miss 3 birthdays every four years, does that mean you will be younger than your friends? Students might be relieved to hear that missing a birthday on the 29th doesn’t mean they won’t be a year older just like their friends.
- Will you only get a birthday party every four years? Students may take a while to ponder this dilemma. Wait for them to come up with some ideas and solutions. Some may think a party on February 28th is the best solution, since February 29th won’t exist some years!
Writing Activities
Here are the printables I’m using after our discussion. It includes:
–a reading response activity about leap years to help start your class discussion
-a journal writing printable
-a calendar for students to fill in missing dates
Click HERE to download your own copy.
Click HERE to download from TPT for free!

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