Have you ever noticed that, after New Year’s celebrations, when students come back to school after winter break, they act like they’ve never been in a classroom before? Sometimes it seems like they’ve forgotten everything you’ve taught them in the past months!

Of course they haven’t forgotten…but it’s a good time for a refresher! Take some time to remind and re-establish routines and expectations with your students. Review your class rules and even some of the academic goals you reached together. If you have a growing focus wall, take a picture walk through it and talk about what you’ve learned together so far. Celebrate your progress and hard work!

Setting Goals
After a review, it’s time to look forward to the future. What will we learn next together? Lifelong learners never stop finding new things to learn about, so you may wish to brainstorm new goals for the future.

Emphasize that everyone will not need to choose the same goals! Everyone learns differently – in different ways and at different times. Each of us is on our own learning journey. Students will be challenged to think of New Year’s goals for both home and school. Not all goals are academic!
Flip Book Project
In my class, we write our goals in these cute New Year’s Resolution flipbooks. They are super simple to cut out and put together, and are created to use only one page for the whole project, so they are small enough to display on your classroom wall. They can also be enlarged to 11X18″ if you want to make them bigger!

You can download your own copy of these templates by clicking the blue button below! I hope you and your students enjoy setting goals together!
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